Handmade template is one of our best PowerPoint templates to personalize your presentation. Inspired by your creativity, we made it simple yet fancy to ensure the audience enjoy every slide. Creating a presentation has never been this easy, allowing you to focus on presentation materials and messages.
This template comes with a perfect composition of color, layout, and picture. Thanks to our professional designers that consider each element to create a harmony. The subtle color makes it suitable for various purposes, such as school presentation, creative project presentation, and much more.

Our PowerPoint template is fully customizable. Personalize template images, layout design, and color to make a different presentation. But if you do not have much time for customization, we make sure this template is more than sufficient to impress your audience.
Each of our template comes with five slides with different layouts and this handmade template holds this tradition. You can benefit from this template to create title slide, content slides, and closing slide with attractive layouts. Click the text to add your presentation material.
If you are looking for a simple template for PowerPoint presentation, this is a perfect piece to take into consideration. Harmonious composition of each element allows your audience to enjoy the presentation. Get ready to receive positive response from your audience with our handmade template.
Free download Handmade template