Are you sure your presentation is ready? If you want it to look more professional, don’t you think you have to use a professional PowerPoint template? This Klawu template is going to impress anyone with the minimalist yet pro design.
The name of this template, Klawu, is taken from Javanese word which means grey in English. Five slides in this template comes with various pictures that are dominated by grey colors. The first and last slides use grey pictures as background that are so elegant.

The second to fifth slides of this PowerPoint template has pictures on the right, left, and top that you can freely change depending on what you need. The simplicity and luxury of this template allows anyone to use it, from students, teachers, and also businesses.
Klawu template was created by professional hands that select the coloring, designs, and even fonts very carefully. You sure can personalize this Klawu template to match different themes of presentation. This template uses sleek fonts that ease the audiences to read what you show.
All your PowerPoint presentation needs can be solved with this incredible Klawu template. Get the template for free by downloading it below. Fill it with everything you need to show and let the audience learn while enjoying the minimalism of your template.