Definition, Types, and Tips for Creating Signpost in Speech

In a presentation or essay, signposting is the essential part of speech so the audience can get a clear idea about the topic. Delivering signposts is very crucial because it is a transition to another idea or topic. However, some people still don’t get an idea of signpost in speech.

The structure of the speech should be neat to ensure that the audience won’t get lost while listening to your explanation. There are some types of signposts that you have to know and how to make them efficient and effective. Here is the explanation of the signpost.

Definition of Signpost

A signpost in speech is a structure in a sentence that will indicate the topic in order. Without signposts in your speech, the audience will find it hard to understand the explanation. Another purpose of the signpost is also to make the audience stay engaged and don’t get bored with the presentation.

Signposting is very important during the speech. Some speeches or presentations need hours to deliver and the audience needs a clear guide to catch the idea. The signpost is similar to key points or benchmarks that will complete the audience. Before you use it, make sure you know the type of signpost.

Types of Signpost in Speech

1. Signposts in the introduction

The introduction type, the main purpose of signposting is to introduce the whole idea of speech or presentation. You will also clarify by illustrating the topic and dividing the ideas. Example of signpost in speech is “This presentation is organized into the following way:…”

2. Signpost in the body of the speech

In the body speech, signposting is also important to divide a topic. You can put a contrast word or sentence in signpost speech to clear the explanation. Another option is by placing a short question with why and what. The purpose is to catch the audience’s attention.

3. Signpost in conclusion

In the conclusion part, you are going to wrap up the presentation. You can put a reminder about a partial topic from the presentation, so the audience can infer the whole topic. You can start the signpost by saying, “Previously, we review about…”

How to Make Effective Signpost

1. Stay short

The signpost should be short because it is different from the structure of the full sentence. The shorter, the better. After saying the signpost, you should directly change the topic or idea of the presentation. The short signpost should be in the whole type of signpost.

2. Ear-catching

You should deliver an ear-catching signpost to gain the attention of the audience. Even though it is simple. An ear-catching signpost will be helpful. It is a reminder for the listener that the idea will change after the signpost and another outline will be coming after this part.

3. Not overused

An overused signpost will be boring and give a negative effect on your presentation session. Though the signpost is a link between the ideas, overused signposts can be confusing for the listener. It is enough to use it to divide the outlines or the main point of your presentation.

4. Use the range of the signpost

To avoid boredom, you have to use different ranges of signposts. Some signposts can be with the type of sentences and the others can be in the form of words or phrases. Use the signpost as a subheading of the presentation or a reminder for the audience at the end.

5. Stand out

The word or phrases of the signpost should be stand-out. It is a sign of changing the idea., so you have to deliver it well but emphasize the words during the presentation. If it is not stand out, the listener or audience will be confused with your explanation after the signpost.

Signpost in speech is a particular structure that is essential during the presentation. You have to use the signpost wisely with standing-out words and clear delivery. It will give the listener an idea about your explanation