Hyperlink on text (problem and solution)

Hyperlink on text (problem and solution) – to make the presentation , sometimes we need a hyperlink or shortcut keys that can be quick to go to own slide.
This time in 4presentation.net will discuss about the hyperlink on the text or words

on the title above mentioned that there are problems or issues on the hyperlink of text. Is the problem,to more clearly just look at the picture.

In the picture looks that says “klik disini ” and contains a blue and underline. how could such that, so follow these steps

1. Prepare two slides, then write “klik disini”
2. In the box where write “klik disini” right click select the hyperlink

3. Select Place in This Document, then Slide 2 (slide 2 is just an example, according to your taste)

Then what happens as the previous explanation, it’s look like not elegant because it may contain the text is underline and chage to blue color.
So how to solve this?

On Powerpoint 2003 that trick was discovered, in Powerpoint 2007 was unsuccessful trick, but in Powerpoint 2010 This trick can be successful again. Does the trick?
The trick is very simple, namely to create transparent objects above the words “klik disini” and a hyperlink is given on the object. so tje presentation look like professional.
to create it do the following steps

1. write a new “klik disini”

2. Then the main toolbar select Insert, Shape, select the rectangle
3. Create a rectangle above “klik disini”

4. Right click on the rectangle, then select the hyperlink
5. Select Place in This Document, then Slide 2 (slide 2 is just an example, according to your taste)
6. Click Format on the main toolbar (if no options of the Format, click first the rectangle)
7. In the Shape Fill option, select No Fill

8. In the Shape Outline options, select No Outline

Finally, a transparent object is created, but it contains a hyperlink that when clicked into the desired slide.