Retro City PowerPoint Template

Retro city or in Indonesian Language we usually called as Retro Perkotaan is the main theme of this powerpoint templates.
The main point that shows the retro city’s side in this powerpoint templates is the picture’s siluet or the shadow of the city in the bottom part of the content slide.

This siluet show us about the situation of the town (city). The Town drawn has many buildings, whether the building that has one floor, two floor or more but less than five floor, or the building that has more than five floor, the buldings that has more than five floors are categorized as high rises buildings or skyscraper. Buildings in the town come in a variety of shapes, sizes and functions. In the crowded city, the building is built stand in line without space.

In this template, there are three kind of different designs. But it still has a similarity between the three of them, that is the design of the background. Both of the three designs has a light pink background with a light blue colored line in the top of it.
For the title slide, there are two blue boxes in the center of the slide which are used as the title of the presenation and it’s description (for example for the name of the group or maybe for a further explanation about the title of the presentation).

And for the content slide, it have two different kind of designs. Actually it almost the same, the difference is just in the color of the air ballon. Both of the two designs has the same background with a picture of the city’s siluet in the bottom part of the slide and a picture of an air ballon in the top corner of the slide (for the first content’s slide design the color of the air ballon is red, green, and yellow, meanwhile for another designs the color are purple, grey, and brown)